Stories of Inspiration from Our Amazing Clients!
Margot Devlin started running in 1993 because she had a friend that ran the New York City Marathon and it intrigued her. In fact, she was so intrigued that the very same year, Margot ran her first half marathon in Toronto, then she ran the 25th anniversary NYC Marathon shortly after in 1994. Margot returned to NYC and ran the marathon again in 1995, then took a running hiatus to finish her MBA, work fulltime and stage manage for a community theatre.

When she made her return to running, Margot ran a 14 more marathons, 17 more half marathons (6 in 2021!), two 30K’s and a 48KM Ultra. She’s run the New York City Marathon an astonishing 11 times (including the 50th anniversary) and the London Marathon 4 times! Her goal is to run NY at least 16 times so that she gets to join the Streaker Club (15+ finishes) and use the VIP heated tent at the start line!
Always by her side is Shaun Devlin, her loving husband of 33 years and counting. Margot and Shaun met at work, the Law Society. Shaun is a constant supporter for Margot, her “sherpa” and her biggest fan! Shaun leapfrogs around each city while Margot runs the marathon, ensuring her safety, that she stays topped up with her fluids and motivated by his constant encouragement. He does the same for her on her long training runs! We could all use that kind of loving support!
Margot is heavily involved in volunteering in Niagara-on-the-Lake in between her 3 training runs a week, 3 cycling days a week and her and Shaun’s Sunday workout. She has no plans on stopping the running! She does plan, however, on eventually being the only person in her age category, and of course, enjoying that heated VIP tent at the New York City Marathon!
Years running: 30 years this year!
Favorite Travel Destination(s): NYC and London
Favorite Race(s): NYC and London
Favorite Distance to Run: “To the fridge!”
Race Day Habit: Always buys throwaway clothes to discard at the start of a race which gets donated to the homeless.
Next Race: TCS London Marathon (again)!
Biggest Tip: Set yourself goals, arrange for your next race, get training!